Dublin City Council Databases
Databases.dublincity.ie currently unavailable
The databases.dublincity.ie website containing fifteen databases providing online access to Dublin City council records was taken offline on 4 March 2024 due to technical reasons.
We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this may cause to our readers in Ireland and further afield. Until such a time as the site can be redeveloped in accordance with the EU’s Web accessibility Directive (2016) , material previously accessed online must be accessed instead via the DCLA Reading Room, 139-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Where possible, we will add links to digital catalogues and listings as soon as possible. Please contact cityarchives@dublincity.ie to make an appointment to view materials.
Full list of databases affected:
- Ancient freemen of Dublin (1461 to 1491, and 1564 to 1774)
- Cemetery Burial Registers (Clontarf, Drimnagh, and Finglas)
- Community Memory
- Dublin City Electoral Lists 1908 to 1915
- Dublin Directory 1647-1708
- Dublin Guild Merchant Roll
- Dublin Graveyards Directory
- Medieval Manuscripts of Dublin
- Parish Registers
- The Dublin Fire Brigade Ambulance Log book, Easter 1916
- The John V O'Connor Papers, 1692-2015
- The Index to Dublin City Council Minutes 1881-1987
- The Monica Roberts Collection
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